Numeralla and District Activities Inc.
Secretary: Steve Donkers 02-6453-3360
Treasurer: Ken Dane 02-6453-3387
Numeralla and District Activities Inc.
PO Box 1323
Local Snapshots

Numeralla and District Activities Inc.
Numeralla and District Activities Incorporated (NDAI) represents the interests of the people of the Numeralla,
Peak View, Carlaminda, Countegany & Tuross area. NDAI meets on the third Thursday of every second month.
Latest News
----- The Numeralla Public School annual Presentation Night will be held Tuesday 7th December 6:30pm.
All Welcome.
We welcome all members of the Numeralla community and encourage you to celebrate with the children who are the future of our community. I know this has been over used in certain areas but I think there is a lot of truth in the African proverb that “It takes a community to raise a child” Come along and help them to realise that they are part of a larger community who do care about them and their achievements.
Jan Rogers (Principal)
It's that time of year again where we're all thinking about the Folk Festival
The 37th Annual Numeralla Folk Festival will be held over the Australia Day long weekend from Friday 21st to Monday 24th January 2011. An article about the Festival written by Fran Robertson was recently published in Australia’s No. 1 traditional and comtemporary folk, blues, roots, alternative and world music magazine Trad & Now. You can read a copy of the article in the news section of the site.
For more information about the Festival including a schedule of events head over to the official website.