Numeralla and District Activities Inc.
Secretary: Steve Donkers 02-6453-3360
Treasurer: Ken Dane 02-6453-3387
Numeralla and District Activities Inc.
PO Box 1323
Local Snapshots

Evidence of early occupation by Aboriginal and European settlers can be found throughout the area. Most obvious are the remains of old earthen buildings and yards. Less obvious are the scattering of Aboriginal artefacts and traces left by early gold miners. Early explorers into the Monaro report encountering large groups of Aborigines moving throughout the area (Oven & Currie) Archaeologists have undertaken some research in the area and traces of Aboriginal usage can still be found throughout the area.
Numeralla was proclaimed a village in 1885
1858 - 1868 The first report of gold deposits on the Monaro was in 1858, on the Numeralla River. The Big Badja diggings were not worked until 1861. In 1866 there were diggings extending about three kilometres north of Numeralla along the river but neight area had gold in large deposits, and by 1868 mining numbers had dropped; the only fossickers left there were reported to be Chinese.
1892 - 1897 In 1892 the Big Badja Sluicing Company started operations and mining again became an important part of the local economy. The activity lasted until 1897, and evidence of the old diggings can still be seen.
1897 Gold was discovered at Bushy Hill, only a few kilometres east of Cooma. There were numerous claims but only a few of the large operators were consistently successful. (That field was reworked between 1927 - 29.)
The name of the Umaralla River was changed to Numeralla River on 2 June 1972.